Do your projects support your ESG reporting obligations?

As clients, developers, and investors continue to move towards more mature ESG practices and reporting, there is a growing need for project performance to be captured and assessed, to meet the requirements from external ratings agencies, benchmarking indices and corporate reporting frameworks. This is particularly relevant for businesses that have a significant portion of their operations in construction.

While it is possible to set up projects and project reporting in ESG platforms, it can be difficult to get contractors and subcontractors to report on Scope 3 energy and fuel, for example. Much of this information would be considered internal / confidential to the contractors, subcontractors and the larger supply chain. Contractors may not be willing to release that data - such as contractors' (and supply chain) energy costs / energy payments - unless specifically required to do so by the contract. They might also not understand how to do so, even if they were willing. The project management team may not have the experience, or might not have been tasked, to capture and report on this data.

Some contracts are now beginning to address this need. Recent clauses such as NEC's X29 create an obligation on the contractor, but the data harvesting still needs people within the wider project delivery teams (and supply chain) to actually do it.

This is where Gowan Projects can add value into your organisation or project. By engaging us during the project definition, position, or funding stage, we will work with you to extract, document, and distil the project benefits, targets (including those for upstream ESG reporting), reporting lines, levels of responsibility and authority, and gaps in project delivery teams that need to be filled. We can also help you define minimum standards, common processes, organisational frameworks, qualified people, and clear expectations for everybody with delivery responsibility.  This will ensure that your project is delivered in a way that meets your ESG goals and objectives.

We are not a sustainability consultant, but we do know about projects, people and organisations. We use this experience to identify opportunities and define frameworks for project delivery teams to deliver their projects better.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you. We would be happy to discuss your project with you and answer any questions you may have.


Modular construction


Peak Tram